
This past week and a half have been hard.

When I set up my summer schedule for work, I looked for vacation days, possible open days I could use to take temporary time off, while committing to growing my business. I also accounted for potential obstacles.

But I missed one. A big one.

Four years (and a week and a half) ago, I almost died.

Fostering is love in action

Fostering is love in action
Last week I talked about some of the negatives we’ve seen while being involved in foster care, so this week I wanted to balance that with some positives we’ve experienced!

Foster care is impossible…

Foster care is impossible…
And yet, here we are, doing it every day! 

Karth Trek- Exploring local!

Karth Trek- Exploring local!
This past week we rented a cabin at a State Park near where we live, to enjoy a short vacation, while trying out traveling with our bonus kids. In the past, overnight travel has not always been easy for them, so it gave us all a trial run! They actually surpassed my expectation, with the major issue usually just being one or all needed to be fed!

A day like all others

A day like all others
I’m not really a fan of Mother’s Day… I used to sneak out of church early because I didn’t want that empty feeling while I sat, and watched all the mothers stand.  
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