First Hike at the WACF (Syracuse) + geocaching

First Hike at the WACF (Syracuse) + geocaching
First Hike is a phrase that was created to celebrate the first official hike of the year. Most people attempt to hike on January first, to set the tone for the year…

Why we (secretly) did 1000 hours outside in 2022

Why we (secretly) did 1000 hours outside in 2022
Last week I mentioned in a photo caption that we hit over 1,000 hours outside this year… This was a huge accomplishment for our family, but when we started the year, I didn’t tell anyone (even my husband) that I planned to do it!

Stress relief tips from the woods 🍂

Stress relief tips from the woods 🍂
As I’ve mentioned before, our family loves hiking and do it as often as we can. This fall has been an interesting mix, because we have been doing a hike-a-thon to raise the last of our adoption funds, and we also got the green light on doing the adoptions, so on days we don’t go hiking… I’m buried under a pile of paperwork!  

Karth Trek- Exploring local!

Karth Trek- Exploring local!
This past week we rented a cabin at a State Park near where we live, to enjoy a short vacation, while trying out traveling with our bonus kids. In the past, overnight travel has not always been easy for them, so it gave us all a trial run! They actually surpassed my expectation, with the major issue usually just being one or all needed to be fed!

I love spring

I love spring
Today we were at a park by the lake, and we saw a momma duck, with her string of ducklings, swimming in the canal. And while I could totally relate to her frantic swimming to maje sure her babies were all with her, it just reminded me of how much I adore spring- babies, fresh green things, rain, and mud puddles!
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