Stress relief tips from the woods 🍂
As I’ve mentioned before, our family loves hiking and do it as often as we can. This fall has been an interesting mix, because we have been doing a hike-a-thon to raise the last of our adoption funds, and we also got the green light on doing the adoptions, so on days we don’t go hiking… I’m buried under a pile of paperwork!  

Beautiful days in the woods have helped us let go of stress and enjoy life!Beautiful days in the woods have helped us let go of stress and enjoy life!

I’m grateful it is fall right now, because with my stress levels, I need time in the woods! Being in the woods or out in nature is a great way to help lower stress. Not only is being near trees or water shown to have grounding effects, keeping us centered, but fresh air helps lower stress, sunshine provides necessary vitamin D, which helps us physically handle stress, and being in nature has been found to slow breathing, leading to lower stress levels and potentially longer life!

And the good news you’ve been waiting for… while exercising in nature has additional benefits, just sitting quietly in nature is beneficial! You don’t have to commit to a 3 mile hike!

Being in nature can be as simple as walking into your backyard & sitting under a tree.
Being in nature can be as simple as walking into your backyard & sitting under a tree.

There’s also a greater chance of strengthening your microbiome by “challenging” it through various nature experiences, so it can also be good for increasing immunity & keeping you healthy.

I shared one of my top stress relieving tips last week, watch the video to learn how to instantly lower stress anywhere. It’s so simple, but effective! 

Breathe deep, my friends! ~ Naomi 

PS- HOLY. COW. 🐄 Young Living just dropped some great news tonight, including an increased bonus for anyone helping a friend get started with YL products (50% bonus that first time!!), two new enrollment bundles to share AND a way for new Loyalty customers to get a free diffuser in just two months! These enhancements make being a Brand Partner with YL one of the most lucrative social selling companies out there! Let me know if you are ready to make these new changes work for you! And be sure you let me know if you’d like to join our Success Challenge starting in December!  


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