Homework & homeschool essential oil helpers- Part Three After School

Homework & homeschool essential oil helpers- Part Three After School

The time between school ending and dinner starting is sometimes the most difficult part of the day here. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who feels this! 


Homeschooling (and home work) helpers- part two The Midday Blues

Homeschooling (and home work) helpers- part two The Midday Blues

Our homeschooling adventures continue… 

Last week I shared our favorite morning starts- this week I want to cover everyone’s least favorite part of day, that slump after lunch! And while the title says for homeschool, this is a topic that applies to everyone, even YOU!


Homework (and homeschool) helpers- Morning EO starts

Homework (and homeschool) helpers- Morning EO starts

As I write this, our family is finishing our sixth week of homeschooling. (We took one week off for vacation already!) I really did not see that being our path, even though my husband and I were both homeschooled. But I also did not expect to be raising virtual twins, plus an extra baby, so… here we are!

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