We bought a zoo (membership)! 🦓🦁

We bought a zoo (membership)! 🦓🦁
Discover the hidden gem of the Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City, Indiana, a small zoo filled with well-loved animals. This city-run zoo offers a variety of animals, from lions and tigers and bears to capybaras and fennec foxes. The zoo prioritizes the enrichment of their inhabitants, allowing for interaction and creating a welcoming atmosphere. With its location along the shoreline of Lake Michigan, visitors can even squeeze in a beach trip during their visit.

Membership to the Washington Park Zoo not only provides free parking at the city park but also allows access to other accredited zoos around the United States through the ZAA program. This is perfect for those who want to explore both large and small zoos with shared goals. As the majority of the zoo is located outdoors, it can also contribute to spending time outside and counting towards the popular 1000 Hours Outside movement. If you ever find yourself near Michigan City or heading to the dunes for a hike, make sure to reserve some time to visit this lovely zoo. It's a true gem that the whole family will enjoy.

Helping foster & adopted kids through food scarcity issues.

Helping foster & adopted kids through food scarcity issues.
This blog post shares a personal perspective on behavior issues related to food scarcity experienced by a foster family. The author highlights the challenges faced by their adopted children, who were initially diagnosed with "failure to thrive." The article emphasizes the importance of having a reliable meal and snack schedule, offering familiar or comfort foods, feeding based on emotional age, and recognizing how food helps regulate children. The author hopes to raise awareness and encourage compassion and support for foster and adoptive families who work hard to ensure their children feel loved and cared for.

Lessons from the t-ball field! ⚾️

Lessons from the t-ball field! ⚾️
This blog post shares the author's experience of having their adoptive & biological children participate in a t-ball league. Despite forgetting to sign them up initially, they were grateful to find out that there were still spots available. The author learned valuable lessons throughout the season, such as the importance of perseverance and improvement even when starting out with limited skills. They also realized that enjoying the experience and supporting other teams is just as important as winning. Additionally, the author learned that maturity is more important than age when it comes to participating in sports. Overall, they had a positive experience and plan on continuing to be a sports family in the future.

Karth Trek- Ox Bow Park (Goshen Indiana)

Karth Trek- Ox Bow Park (Goshen Indiana)
Discovering hidden gems right in our own backyard is always a thrill, like the recently found Ox Bow Park in Goshen, Indiana. Planning to venture to the dunes in Michigan, time constraints led us to explore this park instead, conveniently located across from a Meijer for snack supplies. For a small entrance fee of $3, Ox Bow Park offers miles of trails, playgrounds, and even an archery range. We hiked through the marsh trail, enjoyed various picnic areas, and my personal favorite was strolling through the towering conifer trees that my child dubbed "tree bridges." If you're seeking a local adventure immersed in nature, this park comes highly recommended.

Don't miss out on my upcoming YL on a Budget event, where I'll be sharing valuable tips and tricks that I've learned over a decade of having Young Living in our lives. And if you're browsing for gift ideas, be sure to check out the Holiday Catalog for some fantastic options, whether it's for your loved ones or a special treat for yourself.

What we’ve been up to so far this year!

What we’ve been up to so far this year!
After going through the journey of adopting two children, Naomi took a step back from personal blogging. Now that she have settled into her new role as an adoptive parent, she is excited to return to blogging and to share their stories, adventures, and lessons learned. Naomi is also looking forward to sharing her family's experiences with homeschooling, hiking, and health transformations. She expresses her gratitude to their Young Living team and reminds readers that their purpose in life is to help others, offering support and assistance to anyone in need.

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