So this has become a hot topic since a post went viral on Facebook yesterday... and since I've had several people tag me or try to share the post with me, I decided to just add my own two cents to the discussions.

Felix thinks you need to learn more before you decide!

Felix, basking in the scent of our diffuser by the computer printer!

First of all, posts like that aren't something I'm going to read. They are either click-bait, or they are someone who didn't know what they are doing. One is unfortunate, the other deceptive. With all things relating to essential oil use, including pets, I'm going to go with my own research and what our reference guides and personal use have shown- 

There are plenty of rebuttal posts out there to break down the potential issues with the viral post- and I suggest you look to those if you are just searching for what went wrong. I'm here to talk about what is RIGHT about using essential oils around, and possibly on cats.

My husband, Samuel, with Charlotte
Can essential oils be used safely in homes that have cats?

Yes, they absolutely can! We have been using them in our home, which has had a range of 7-9 cats living in it, for 5 years now. 

There are a few caveats to that, however. Where you get your essential oils from really does matter. With essential oil use being all the rage these days, you can pick up a bottle of lavender at Wal-Mart now, but what do you really know about what is in the bottle? There are no quality control programs or even safety checks for what is being bottled, and because essential oils are considered fragrances, they can contain as little as only 5% real essential oil, yet still be labelled 100% "pure". (You can let your imagination run wild about what the other 95% contains, but it isn't stuff you want in or on you, let alone your pet!)

Where you get your oils from truly matters. What you pay for them really does reflect the quality- from the plant source to the testing used, you are getting what you paid for, and it might not be much.

We use Young Living for personal and pet use for several reasons, and it is the ONLY brand we use around our baby, let alone our cats. 

  • They are the only US based essential oil company that owns or partners with ALL their farms.
  • Young Living has an extensive quality control program, including sourcing and science at the heart of all they do.
  • They have  an exclusive line of pet friendly essential oil blends (pre-diluted) and other products called Animal Scents.
  • They have a Veterinary Advisory Council who helps with the science and development of new animal products.
  • They use all their products on the animals at their farms, right on down to the barn cats.
  • Young Living cares SO MUCH about sourcing and sustainability they won't carry an oil or blend, rather than risk lowering their standards of quality.
  • Young Living has a complete conference each year JUST about essential oil use with animals.
  • There are quite a few veterinarians, including our personal holistic vet, recommending only using Young Living, and I TRUST their opinions. It's part of why we joined Team YL!
  • Our own personal use over the years have shown us that these oils are the Real Deal and we have complete confidence in them. 
We also take cues from our pets regarding use- if we know they aren't fond of a certain oil, or they seem to crave a special blend, we make note of that and work WITH them, not against them!

Our cat Charlotte doesn't like being confined in a room where we are using oils, so we keep that in mind.
She does, however, enjoy and greatly relax after we've given her a brief "pet" of sacred frankincense!
Charlotte after a sacred frankincense "pet" down!

If you are finding that you question using oils around your pets, then maybe you need to look at your source and be certain you are getting quality products and all your sourcing questions answered!

How are they best used?

Diffusing is the easiest and least invasive way to use oils in a home with cats. Keep rooms well ventilated and allow pets to choose to leave the room if they wish. Honestly, what you use to clean your kitchen floor is of more concern at this point. 

Topical use is more controversial, and I suggest you be well educated in essential oil and safety measures for both humans and animals before you start.  Cats do have an enzyme they lack (glucuronyl transferase) and it does make them highly susceptible to toxicity from things like chocolate, caffeine, certain plants and many medications, including Tylenol and Advil types.  They are way more sensitive to cleaners and things like candles and synthetic air fresheners. You should definitely know why you are using certain oils for your pet, and have intention behind application. 

There are several highly respected sources of reference guides just for animal use- we use at least three in our home, plus we cross-reference with a holistic veterinarian when needed. We prefer diffusing because everyone benefits, but have found topical use, with the right dilution and application, to benefit all our pets when needed!

Internal use is highly controversial in humans, let alone in pets. I have found that all the above applies, and ONLY if you can absolutely trust your source of essential oils. (And they should definitely be labeled as a food quality supplement, safe for ingestion!)

If you are looking at internal use, you need to take a step back and look at diet and lifestyle first. Can you give your pet a better source of nutrition? Are there things in your house- candles, toxic cleaner, unfiltered water, etc that could be contributing to the problem? Perhaps there are things that need eliminated first.

Essential oils, like supplements, work best when your body is already balanced- so your investment is best spent making sure your lifestyle and food choices are optimum! 

This is the first photo I ever took of our cats with the diffuser- they love being near it!
Especially if we are using something in the mint family!

Felix hanging out with our first diffuser!

What if I still find myself hesitant to use around my cats?

They are your pets, and it is your home, so ultimately the choice is up to you! It's one of the cool things about aromatherapy- we have so many options in use, and you don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable doing!

I found myself hesitant at first, when I realized 6 years ago the oils I had weren't probably really much use, and I started looking at safety and sourcing. I didn't know what to believe! After trying two competing companies, I had confidence in my choice to start and stay with Young Living after trusted friends revealed their success with essential oils.  Today we are so grateful we found the right place to go!

Our pets have really thrived since we switched to a more holistic approach to life, and I cannot imagine going back! We aren't harming them or ourselves- we are uplifting our emotions, soothing our worries, and living our best life now!


1 Comment

  1. Peggy Grossnickle  07/09/2019 07:25 AM Central
    Noami-love your posts. Who is you holistic pet vet? Please???

    Safe travels to you and your menfolk.

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