Bad moment OR bad day?

I almost didn’t make this post… I had a disaster of a morning yesterday- technical difficulties, disobedient children, and I suddenly realized I had no business sharing how to work on mindset and mental health if I was going to just give up after a few hours of frustration!


Renewed Choices- Nutrition

I’ll be honest, for decades I’ve skimped on my own health. I’ve made changes to be a healthier person, but I ignored how I was fueling my body. Partially because I wasn’t ready to get healthy mentally, but also because I knew what I needed to do, and I was being stubborn. 

Healthy choices- Hydration tips

Last week I shared some areas I’m focusing on this year for my own health, because I know others have these as goals too.
Hydration can be a big one for many- not only is it hard to stay hydrated, but it comes with a lot of bathroom trips! 


Setting your intentions this year

This year I actually decided not to set new goals, because I’m in the process of working through some pretty good ones. Like my goal from August to release 100 pounds- I’m already almost half way there!


Feelings kit (Part 3 Release & Present Time)

Tonight I’m ending our series on the Feelings kit with two “Mom” necessities, especially this time of year when we feel the nudge to try to be the party planner, present wrapper, cookie connoisseur, etc. 

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