Karth Trek- Exploring local!

Karth Trek- Exploring local!
This past week we rented a cabin at a State Park near where we live, to enjoy a short vacation, while trying out traveling with our bonus kids. In the past, overnight travel has not always been easy for them, so it gave us all a trial run! They actually surpassed my expectation, with the major issue usually just being one or all needed to be fed!

I love spring

I love spring
Today we were at a park by the lake, and we saw a momma duck, with her string of ducklings, swimming in the canal. And while I could totally relate to her frantic swimming to maje sure her babies were all with her, it just reminded me of how much I adore spring- babies, fresh green things, rain, and mud puddles!

A day like all others

A day like all others
I’m not really a fan of Mother’s Day… I used to sneak out of church early because I didn’t want that empty feeling while I sat, and watched all the mothers stand.  

Who has time to be sick?

As I’ve spent the last couple of days making sure my kids are comfortable & hydrated, I’ve been especially grateful we have oils in our home! I cannot imagine what it is like to handle any sort of “non-wellness” without YL by my side!

Why Young Living?

Why Young Living?
Why did I choose to use Young Living for my essential oil supplier?

That’s actually a pretty easy question to answer…

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