Detoxin’ the kids

Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.

Who has time to be sick?

As I’ve spent the last couple of days making sure my kids are comfortable & hydrated, I’ve been especially grateful we have oils in our home! I cannot imagine what it is like to handle any sort of “non-wellness” without YL by my side!

Renewed Choices- Nutrition

I’ll be honest, for decades I’ve skimped on my own health. I’ve made changes to be a healthier person, but I ignored how I was fueling my body. Partially because I wasn’t ready to get healthy mentally, but also because I knew what I needed to do, and I was being stubborn. 

Feelings kit (Part 3 Release & Present Time)

Tonight I’m ending our series on the Feelings kit with two “Mom” necessities, especially this time of year when we feel the nudge to try to be the party planner, present wrapper, cookie connoisseur, etc. 


The Feelings kit (part two Forgiveness & Inner Child)

I don’t know about you, but in our family there’s nothing like the holiday season arriving to help stir up feelings… and not always good ones. Tis the season for hurt people to find healing. And if you are seeking to forgive the past, the Feelings Kit, and especially these next two oil blends are good tools to have.

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